
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

HALO 3 Legendary

There's this little game that was recently released, I'm sure you havent heard of it. It's called Halo 3, and it's the final of a 3 part story series. I picked up my copy today [having preorderd it nearly a year ago this novemeber] and was pleased to know that my Legendary edition really paid off. I posted some screen shots below just in case your intrested.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Kai sketchins

sketching around, i probably have 9 pages full of doodles here over the last 30 mins but i liked this one the best. Its supposed to be the bouncy, lovable, a somewhat possibly mentally challenged sidekick in the new Heavenly Sword game for the PS3. I gave her a bit of a more intelligent look or gaze or whatever. I also deviated from my cartoony style a bit, it is though just a sketch.

nighty night

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Heavenly Sword

I've had Heavenly Sword on the brain lately and finished up this piece, trying out something new with the glow, i also have the steps located above, no sketch this time as i deviated so much from the original drawing,so just lineart, flat colors, final. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

MOH: Airborne steps

These are the steps without text for the latest GiGo comic roughly about 3.5 hours of work using photoshop CS3, check out the final here

Saturday, September 1, 2007

too much Bioshock

Heres a quick sketch i finished, still trying out my "painter wings", im not sure why the video cuts out a bit towards the middle, but it doesnt interfere with the sketch. enjoy.